Category: Reading and Writing

  • Please Sign Up for Our Newsletter

    I’ll start off by saying that I have only the barest idea of what I am doing here, but I’ve created an account at MailChimp to begin sending out newsletters. As a blog reader, web surfer and email addict, the one thing that I like most is content that I’ve asked to receive, right in…

  • Using Kindle Fire to Read Quilt Books

    I’ve been working on two new quilt books for a year. One is done and available as a print book and as a Kindle Book, specifically formatted for the Kindle Fire. While testing the book on the Fire, I found out how to make the photos bigger so I made a video about it. The…

  • Sew & Quilt in Comfort

    Introducing my newest book – a work of love! You may have read some of my posts, or seen the photos, of my “Custom Sewing Table”, which I’ve also called my “Cheap Sewing Table”, well, now it’s a book. The short backstory is that when our book proposal (Crazy Shortcut Quilts) was accepted in 2006,…

  • Inspiration!

    I love inspiration! I get it from quilt shows, group chats and PEOPLE! I meet a lot of people online and I love that so much – I *love* getting emails from new and old friends 🙂 I also read a lot of books (paper and and electronic). I’ve read Jack Canfield’s books The Aladdin…

  • My little writing secret

    I wrote a quilt book (with my daughter as co-author). That’s not the secret 🙂 I have also written a novel, and after letting it sit for several months and re-reading, I realize it’s crappy. BUT! I can do better! This summer, if all goes well (knock on a fat quarter) I will write a…

  • Sharing Expertise on

    I love to share info and trade tricks and tips with sewers and quilters, so when Seth Godin posted on his blog about Squidoo and described its function, I went a built a few lens’s. Here’s one of my lenses (that’s what they call the pages at Squidoo) on how I built my cheap quilting…

  • WordPress

    I’ve been playing with ones and zeros again. While in Portland I was desperate to go to Powells Bookstore, for both the experience and for a book on HTML. I found a book that I liked but I’ve only read 1 chapter. Why? Because I have discovered WordPress. WP intimidated me when I first started…

  • Blog Ring – update

    I have created a new blog ring for quilt designers and I invite every quilt designer, pattern designer, quilt book author and anyone in the business of quilting (who blogs) to join the ring and have some fun! Go here and put in your blog address and then install the code in your sidebar and…

  • Sharing Information on

    I am, at times, overwhelmed with what is available for free on the internet. Squidoo is interesting to me because they give you a nicely formatted place to share information on subjects that you are passionate about – and they give you a choice of donating any profits from the page you create to charity.…

  • On Writing by Stephen King

    Everything you need to know and hear about writing and getting published. I am regularly asked about writing books and being published, and I always recommend this book as a start. The man has a talent for the written word and he shares everything in this book. Regularly re-reading it is what kept me going…