My little writing secret

I wrote a quilt book (with my daughter as co-author). That’s not the secret ๐Ÿ™‚ I have also written a novel, and after letting it sit for several months and re-reading, I realize it’s crappy. BUT! I can do better! This summer, if all goes well (knock on a fat quarter) I will write a second novel (and try to write better). I already have the outline. But that’s not the secret either.

The secret is: I have always wanted to write a screenplay. I figured that writing a non-fiction book, like a quilt book, would be a good start to writing (it was) and I read a lot about the process of writing and the discipline it takes but I know almost zip about writing a screenplay, so I don’t feel like I am ready for it yet- -I put myself in the “I am still learning how” category.

So, here’s one way I am trying to learn. I make videos on YouTube. Now, I used to think that people just stood in front of their cameras, yapped a bit, uploaded and *boom* they are YouTube stars. Not so – at least not the good videos (and I am not talking about vloggers here – – the whole point of vlogging is to be spontaneous).

For a loooooooong time I have wanted to teach a few things and I would like to reach a wide audience, so I chose YouTube. I have a few vids up and have learned quite a bit along the way and gotten some good feedback from great people who take the time to tell me what they think would make my videos better – – and I listen very closely to every one who emails me. I learn as I go.

For weeks I’ve been planning a video just on doing Stitch in the Ditch quilting. It sounds easy – -but it is quite a challenge!! Writing the script! There is *so much* to remember!! Yikes! If you watch my videos, I hope that you will consider giving me your impression and telling me what I should have done differently. I really, really appreciate every single person who emails me and listen closely to what they have to say. Now I am off to work on that SID script some more ๐Ÿ™‚

Let me know if you want the “behind the scenes details” or if you just want to see the film version when it’s released – – LOL ๐Ÿ™‚ {I want to know – – are you a writer with a secret dream?}






5 responses to “My little writing secret”

  1. Amy, a redeemed sheep

    I found you via the videos first and then I bought your book. The videos are such a great idea! When I ran into trouble with my first CSQ I thought, “In the videos she appears to be a nice person and approachable, I think I’ll email her and see what happens.”

    What happened was, I made a friend. One who has many talents, it seems. You go, girl!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. tessahjake

    I just bought my fabric for my first CSQ – 9 squares for top – starting smallish- I am too anxious to make one I can’t wait for Sarah’s class – the saving grace is if I get tripped up I can watch your video…you do great!

  3. MMM

    Amy! I forgot that you found the vid first! Wait until you see the new one – I hope you like it.

    Joanna, What fabric did you buy? Is it on your blog? We want to see!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Nanci

    In the night when I can’t sleep, I sometimes try to compose the opening scenes in my “novel”. That usually puts me to sleep…..
    Hope you do better on your second.

  5. MMM

    Hi Nanci,

    I get my *BEST* stuff right at bedtime – -usually just as I start to relax from the day. I keep several note pads and pens where I can reach them and scribble enough so that I can remind myself of the idea later ๐Ÿ™‚