Tag: Quilt As You Go

  • StyleList Interview!

    We made it to the big time! Writer Mallory Whitfield wrote about our book, webs and Etsy shop for StyleList Magazine Blog. When I first found this site I spent hours there! Here’s our interview…

  • Quilting for a Very Good Cause

    My daughter Sarah and I love to donate quilts to the CASA program for their Quilt Auction each November. We also use the auction to see and visit with quilters that we only see once a year – -at the auction! I look forward to seeing my pals Kathy Harte and Judy Wedemeyer and Ruth…

  • Videooooooooooooo

    I have been having both fun and absolute total frustration – what a combo! And what can cause that? Either quilting a perfect seam and then finding a pucker on the back (oh, yes that has happened to me many times) or a computer. Heh. So, I bought a video camera that I needed to…

  • I found a Crazy Shortcut Quilt

    On the internet…here ooooohhhhh, its a pretty pink one!

  • 250 Quilties

    …5″ square, give or take a quarter inch…. Sarah and I make these for Quilt Market, which we will be attending in less than a month. This year we will have a Take & Teach on Sunday morning as well as a few “in-booth” demos through the weekend and a Schoolhouse session on Thursday. Notice…

  • Stitch Envy

    Whenever Sarah does a demonstration of our Crazy Shortcut Quilt techniques she mentions “stitch envy”. It happens during class when the students are quilting their squares using the decorative stitches of their sewing machines. They look at the quilters next to them and the stitches they have on their machines, and well, you get the…

  • Funky Fuzzy Shortcut Quilt

    This baby is my favorite – by far! I wanted to couch down some yarn instead of quilting my squares, and I dug through my stash and found this chunky funky fuzzy yarn – -isn’t it delicious? I’ve been using a narrow zigzag stitch to couch it down and it’s going slower than I thought…

  • Crazy Shortcake Quilt finds a Home

    While at Spring Quilt Market Sarah and I bumped into Maret from Seams Like Home Quilt Shoppe in Anchorage several times! I love going all the way to Portland, Oregon to meet up with the Alaskans – lol! We showed her the Shortcake Quilt and offered to let it go live in her newly relocated…

  • Crazy Shortcut Quilts Book

    I have learned that our book has gone into a second printing!! I am so excited! Hurray for us all and a big thanks to Krause and all the shops that stock the book and all the quilters who want to use the decorative stitches on their sewing machines to quilt their own quilts!! Congrats…