Susan H’s Crazy Shortcake Quilt Story

Hi Marguerita,

I reached out to you in 2019 with a question about the crazy shortcake quilt I was starting to make for my mother’s birthday.  You quickly responded and were very encouraging and supportive.  It meant a lot.

Unfortunately, my mother passed away a few months before her 97th birthday and I put the quilt away without finishing it.  However, as I recently had my machine out to work on covid masks, I decided to pull out the quilt and try to finish it.  I thought you might like to see the end product.  Thanks to you, I successfully made my very first quilt!

Stay safe!
Susan H

If you have an alphabet on your machine, it’s a great way to sign and date your quilts.
You can really see the decorative stitches on the light fabric backing!