WillieMae’s Quilting Table Story

My favorite kind of email!

Good morning,

I want to thank you for your video and sharing with us how you made your table. I decided to make me one. I use a Pfaff machine and the machine sits on it’s own platform which sits on the table. After making the extended table it still needed some support, so I used short spool of thread/with or without the thread as legs.

Well, here is my little creation. I didn’t get the kind of foam you got. I did see something I think was like what you have but, it was so big and tall and I’m not 5 feet so it would have been not easy for me to handle, even though they said they would cut it. So what I got was a package of 6 sheets 14 1/2 wide.about 48 long and 3/4 in wide.I cut 3 layers and glued them together. Then I put the plastic on and had to tape some of it down. I’m a little disappointed that the fabric does not slide across the table like I thought it would. However I’m still new at this. All in all I like my table and I’m sure I’ll get better as time goes on.

Thanks, WillieMae

I love that WillieMae adapted what I did to meet her needs, using what was best for her. That’s the whole idea, to open your mind to see materials and resources in a way that solves your problem!



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