A Whole Lotta Crazy Shortcut Quilts!

Ok, I had some setbacks and I didn’t finish a quilt, but I have a list of quilters who did!! Hurray for them!
Judy of KS sent this one, Derek’s Quilt made with Teenage Ninja Turtle Fabric!

Judy of KS made Derek’s Quilt


Amanda made these two as Christmas presents:

Amanda’s Quilt #1

Amanda’s Quilt #2

Sara from Abu Dhabi made a RolyPoly

Sara’s Roly Poly

Sara’s Roly Poly Quilt

Sara’s Roly Poly

and Marie Bartels from the Netherlands made this lovely blue and white quilt:

Marie and her Crazy Shortcut Quilt

Cheryl in Texas made this lovely Christmas Quilt!
Cheryl in Texas made a Christmas Quilt




8 responses to “A Whole Lotta Crazy Shortcut Quilts!”

  1. Judy

    Amanda, Sara, and Marie what beautiful quilts! Now if only I could touch each one! Yes, I’m the one at the quilt shows that has to be reminded, “Not, to touch the quilts!” Sigh!

    Marguerita, life happens, or maybe that quilt needs to ‘ferment’ a little bit to become its full potential.

    1. Marguerita

      Ferment is the perfect word. I kept trying to just cut the fabrics and I couldn’t do it! I have so many new ideas drawn out that I couldn’t make myself duplicate a design I’ve already done. And then it came time to pack up for trips #1 & #2 (back to back and neither one my choice) and the fabrics got put away.

      I think that when I pull them out again, hopefully in February, I’ll have something really special to show you! For now, I have a lot of work to catch up on, but those fabrics….I can hear them calling! Hehehehe, I am a “toucher” too and I get in trouble for it every so often. On the rare times that we have a quilt in a show, I tell the white glove ladies to “please let people touch my quilt” ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Judy

    Whoa! Cheryl, where was your quilt hiding? Tell me it has velvet in it. Some of the colors look that rich.

    1. Marguerita

      Hi Judy, isn’t this a great little quilt show? I updated the post to include Cheryl’s – I’ve received so many pics lately that I missed hers on the first go-around. The whole group of them is so inspiring!

    2. Cheryl

      Judy, thank you for the compliment! โ˜บ There isn’t any velvet in it, but the fabrics were beautiful! I’m now making a small quilted Christmas tree shaped hanging out of the scraps. A dear friend of mine showed me how. I โ™ฅ this method of quilting!

  3. Thank you Marguerita, Thank you Judy
    Its beautiful to see them all together, wow so inspiring it
    makes me wana go and start working on my 6th CSCQ ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Marguerita

      Sara you are my inspiration! I have started saying to myself, “I need to make new designs for Sara and Michelle (Pawnchick on Facebook) [and a few other quilters too] just to keep up with you!” I love hearing from you and seeing your new quilts. You pick the most gorgeous fabrics – I just love the look of your quilts ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hadassah

    I love these shortcut quilts!! Beautiful and they look quite cuddly!