Stitch Envy

Whenever Sarah does a demonstration of our Crazy Shortcut Quilt techniques she mentions “stitch envy”. It happens during class when the students are quilting their squares using the decorative stitches of their sewing machines. They look at the quilters next to them and the stitches they have on their machines, and well, you get the idea.

We teach a lot of ways to get the most from your machine no matter how many stitches it has and I’ve quilted on machines with just 5 or 6 stitches – changing width and stitch length just to get some variety.

Today I got an email from a really cool lady who couldn’t wait to show me what she’d stitched up after reading our book. “We inspired her” she said, “and be sure to look at that crown stitch” she said. So I looked at her photos and now I have stitch envy!

She has crowns!

I want crowns!

Look at those stitches. I am so broke that I just couldn’t ask what machine she has – – I’m afraid to ask! LOL I’ll be dreaming of stitches tonight….thanks to Sandra Wucher of the Stashbusters Group on Yahoo!


2 responses to “Stitch Envy”

  1. Deb H

    Oh my gooodness, they ARE CUTE! I've never seen crowns before! I used to own a Husqvarna Designer 1, but gave it to my son as a wedding gift because I seldom used it, & he loved it. It had a ton of stitches & could be uploaded with more but I enjoy free motion so much the fancy stitches were wasted on me. Those crowns though, I feel what you mean!

  2. Anonymous

    my Pfaff has crowns… so I wonder if that is what it is??? I have a 7510 and a 7590 (I think that’s the #)….

    I know what you mean… we are never satisfied with what our machine has!
